site's back!!

upcoming events: TBA | last updated on april 16, 2019


in case you haven't already noticed, the other domain finally is back up.

yes, after about 2-3 fucking years, the site has finally been updated.

do go check that out.

see ya there!/p>


the end of youtube annotations

upcoming events: nothing | last updated on january 14th, 2018


well, at the time of writing this, it's been a while since YouTube introduced annotations, they brought good shit to us...

...and now say goodbye because google's flushing it all down the fucking drain

i ran out of shit to say sorry

R.I.P. youtube annotations -


new "series" announcement

upcoming events: nothing | last updated on january 7th, 2018

hello and happy 2019! (2009, 1999, whatever.)

just thought I might as well stop by and talk about a new series to be on the site

introducing: pajamathrifts (this was the only idea I had for a name), a series where I talk about some interesting stuff I find at flea markets, goodwills, and other thrift stores n' such.

the first episode is coming in a few days and will be linked here once it's released

anyway, that's it for now. don't forget to rate 5 stars, subscribe, comment if you liked the video, and also check out my myspace.



murry frix-mas

upcoming events: 2019 | last updated on december 25th, 2018

ho ho ho hello.

thought I might as well stop by and say hello. not really:

what's new with me?

was able to get my hands on a new emergency alert encoder/decoder (endec), so that's fun.

I also got a new capture device. I made some more videos on my secondary YouTube channel, and that's about it.

2018 wasn't a good year for me, some personal shit, laziness, and not enough time to get stuff done (like the site). I hope 2019 brings some new things and better times (also I hope they don't fuck up the new Shrek movie)

see you space cowboy


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